Monday, March 29, 2021

I couldn't find data on "nice" families ...

Graph #1: Median relative to Mean since 1953


The Arthurian said...

From Sciencing:
"In statistics, there is no difference between the mean and average... When speaking statistically, this average age of 22 [in the example] is referred to as the mean age."

And if I'm not "speaking statistically"? Or if I don't know whether I'm speaking statistically or not?? No answer.

I'm guessing FRED was speaking statistically, because they used the word "mean". Me, I was just having some fun. One of the things I remember from The Wealth of Nations was Smith talking about "mean people".

The Arthurian said...

From the FRED Blog:
"Do you also know the distinction between “households” and “families”? A household includes all people living in a housing unit; a family includes only those related by marriage, blood, or adoption."

Makes sense, but I never know. And it's unwise, I find, to make up my own definitions for incidental terms.

The Arthurian said...

The downtrend is there for all to see.

The Arthurian said...

I'm lookin up data on repayment of debt. has a "Student Loan Payments" chart that lists some "mean monthly payments".