Tuesday, March 6, 2018

An afterthought on globalization

The opening of the third paragraph:
Deepening the economic and financial linkages among countries was viewed as the best way to deliver durable gains, enhance efficiency and productivity, and mitigate the threat of financial instability.
Strengthening the "linkages among countries" is political activity. Political activities do not solve economic problems. Economic problems require economic solutions.

Following the typical technique used by globalizers, the "plan" part of their statement is vague and friendly. And the "results" part, as always, is a garden of economic delights:
  • to deliver durable gains
  • to enhance efficiency and productivity
  • to mitigate the threat of financial instability
Whatever the greatest economic concerns of the moment may be, those are unfailingly the issues that will be resolved by your acceptance of globalization.

They lie.

A friend offered a simple plan:
If nations can learn to provide themselves with full employment by their domestic policy (and, we must add, if they can also attain equilibrium in the trend of their population), there need be no important economic forces calculated to set the interest of one country against that of its neighbours.

To be able to achieve full employment by domestic policy. That's the key. An economic solution. But if nation-states cannot do it, no global state will be able to accomplish it.

Part 2 of 3

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