Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Financial Business Interest Received: Corporate and Non-Corporate

This is a stacked graph. The corporate number is shown in red; the non-corporate number (blue) adds a little on top of that. For example in the last year shown (2017) the corporate number is a little under 1,600 billion; the total (corporate plus noncorporate financial business interest received) is a little over 1,600 billion:

Graph #1
Just to get an idea of relative size.

Here's another look: Corporate as a Percent of Total (corporate + non-corporate):

Graph #2
Now that's interesting. The corporate share hung in there at 99% of the total from 1946 to 1994, then dropped rapidly to 91% of the total. What's really odd is that since the Great Recession the drop has stopped and the corporate share is now hanging in there at 91%.

I have no idea what caused the drop or the stop -- I'd guess tax law changes but I have no idea really -- but that's definitely an interesting graph.

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