Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pitirim Sorokin

From Wikipedia:
Sorokin's work addressed three major theories: social differentiation, social stratification and social conflict...

Social stratification refers to the fact that all societies are hierarchically divided, with upper and lower strata and unequal distribution of wealth, power, and influence across strata. There is always some mobility between these strata. People or groups may move up or down the hierarchy, acquiring or losing their power and influence.
Sounds right to me. Well said: the kind of thing I might want to quote or link to, later on.

(Now I know where to find it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you probably already know: but, also, look at social stratification through health: A short paper from Pubmed: Lookup Pubmed: 14499511 and ofcourse, any number of ethnologies.