Saturday, December 1, 2018

"The new economics"

My sister was in third grade, puts us in 1960 give or take, when she came home from school one day talking about "the new math". These days, oddly, it is still called the new math. So it goes.

I'm not here now to talk about math. I'm here to talk about economics. Specifically, "the new economics". Oddly, this too arose some time around 1960.

The phrase "the new economics" reminds me of Time magazine's December 31, 1965 article on Keynes and the Keynesians of the '60s. Find the article at Brad Delong's.

Meanwhile, I'm at the Collected Works of Milton Friedman page at the Hoover Institution, looking for other things. I searched the page for interview, financial times and one of the first results that came up (of 840) was

Has the New Economics Failed? An Interview with Milton Friedman (February 1968).

The new economics? From 1968? I had to go there. This has to be related to the Time article: Friedman's response to a Keynesian challenge.

Click the picture of the article to get a 9-page PDF: Interview. “Has the New Economics Failed? An Interview with Milton Friedman.”* Interviewed by Gerald R. Rosen. Dun’s Review, February 1968, pp. 38-39, 93-94, 96.

I can't wait to read this one!

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