Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The prediction I've been waiting for

Arthurian, March 3, 2016:
This is not going to be your typical anemic recovery. This is going to be the full tilt, rapid output growth, rapid productivity growth, high performance boom.

I can't promise you it'll last long, because the level of debt is already very high. But it'll be a good one while it lasts.

Arthurian, April 7 2016:
I predict a boom of "golden age" vigor, beginning in 2016 and lasting eight to ten years. It has already begun. In two years everyone will be predicting it.

Quartz, October 5, 2018:
Earlier this week, the central bank’s chairman Jerome Powell said the economy was looking “remarkably positive” (paywall) and that the US could be on the verge on an “historically rare” era of ultra-low unemployment and steady inflation. “There’s no reason to think this cycle can’t continue for quite some time, effectively indefinitely,” Powell said.

The Chairman of the Federal Reserve is now predicting the economy that I have been predicting since 2016. Okay, so it took two years and a half.

How did I know? I watch the ratio of TCMDO debt to M1SL Money -- the bills we have to pay, relative to the money we use to pay them.

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