Monday, August 17, 2020

Goldstone (the movie) by Ivan Sen

Except on bad days, I don't accept the notion that you can't change the world. But the statement quoted below is a powerful one and I wanted to capture it for the blog.

From Goldstone, on Netflix, starting around 55:30, the old whore talking to the young one:
The world is what it is.
You cannot bargain with it.
You cannot change it.
To find a place to fit within it.
This is your destiny.
Anything else is to ask for trouble.
Anything else is to ask for too much.
The world was not made for you.
You were made for it.

1 comment:

The Arthurian said...

"The world" is an ambiguous term. If it was less ambiguous it might be easier to change. For me, "the world" means the economy, and I know how to change it for the better.