Thursday, December 12, 2019

what the hell?

Two notes at  on 3 december:
And then this morning M1 Money Multiplier turned up in search results. (I didn't even know they had that series.) I laughed, because some people have such tantrums about the multiplier, then went to have a look.

What struck me is this, from the notes:
Updates of this series will be ceased on December 19, 2019. There is no direct replacement to this seasonally adjusted series. Interested users can construct a proxy ...
Change is upsetting.

The really strange one is the discontinuance of base and reserves data. That sounds more like an overhaul of Fed doctrine than a perchance budget-related matter.

1 comment:

The Arthurian said...

Oh by the way, the "some" series names that they are updating turns out to be 2,782 of them.