Tuesday, November 12, 2019

M.A. FINAL ECON: "the whole 800 years leading up to 1820"

From section 2.4: HISTORY OF BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ISSUES in M.A. FINAL ECONOMICS by Sehba Hussain, edited by Professor Shakoor Khan:
From about the 16th century, Mercantilism was a prevalent theory influencing European rulers, who sometimes strove to have their countries out-sell competitors and so build up a "war chest" of gold. This era saw low levels of economic growth; average global per capita income is not considered to have significantly risen in the whole 800 years leading up to 1820, and is estimated to have increased on average by less than 0.1% per year between 1700-1820.
First impression: I like that last sentence, so rich with stats.

Second thought: I wonder if this is original writing, or borrowed.


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