When you borrow money and spend it, you are using credit. But the person that you pay receives money, not credit. (They don't have to pay interest on it; you do.) And after you spend it, you don't have that money anymore; you owe it. You have the debt.
"The commonwealth was not yet lost in Tiberius's days, but it was already doomed and Rome knew it. The fundamental trouble could not be cured. In Italy, labor could not support life..." - Vladimir Simkhovitch, "Rome's Fall Reconsidered"
Sunday, September 15, 2019
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I'm not a fan of "diagrams" in economics, but sometimes... This is a screen capture of slide 36 from a SlideShare presentatio...
Mark Thoma links to the Kansas City Fed's Nominal Wage Rigidities and the Future Path of Wage Growth by José Mustre-del-Río and Emily ...
JW Mason : "... in retrospect it is clear that we should have been talking about big new public spending programs to boost demand....
It is surely true that the price level cannot rise without a corresponding increase in the quantity of money or velocity or use of credit. ...
Bosch season five air date: 18 April. Ten episodes. Four days later, six of the transcripts were already available. A few days later, the ...
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