Monday, November 13, 2023

Oatmilk Tea

Edit 17 Nov 2023 (Renamed); old name: "Not Economics".  

No econ today -- but what would we talk about anyway? Government shutdown, again?

When I was 15 or so, some 60 years back, I spent the summer on my uncle's farm. He had a horse -- Sally, her name was. He had a wooden bin in the barn where he kept oats for the horse. First time I had to feed Sally I lifted the lid of the bin and -- WOW! It smelled so good!

So that was my first impression of oats. It's still with me today.

I was a coffee drinker my whole life, until recently coffee started messing up my stomach. Looked for an alternative but kept going back to coffee because nothing else tasted right. But finally, my stomach made me quit.

Went with tea for a while, switching, peppermint tea and green tea and Celestial Seasonings Cinnamon Apple Spice and back. Eventually I stopped longing for the taste of coffee, and settled on green tea. It felt like I was home again then, for a while. But I must have been making it too strong, and my stomach started acting up again. So I stopped cold turkey.

I wanted to drink milk. But milk is cold, and I don't especially like the taste. And then we got oat milk. Planet Oat Oatmilk, the "extra creamy original". This stuff tastes good. I never thought I would say such a thing. Before long I was making oatmilk tea, hot water with a little oatmilk. So now I think about Sally and Uncle Cecil and his oats bin almost every day. And my stomach, so far, is okay.

Time for another cup.

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