Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Great Election Theft of 2020 (revised)

I know President Trump says the Democrats stole the election. And Biden did beat Trump in the race for President. But none of the other polling predictions worked out for the Democrats. So it doesn't make sense to say that the Dems stole the election. 

It makes more sense to say the Republicans stole the election. It's the Republicans that created all those fake ballots. That's why the state and local results defy the polling predictions. And that's why it looks like voter turnout was so high.

And the Biden win? 

The Republican thieves didn't make enough fake ballots. They underestimated the hate people have for President Trump. In the race for President, the honest ballots won.

The evidence? It's a tried and true Republican tactic: Point the finger first. Do the dirty deed and be quick to claim it's the other guy doing it.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

They don't have to use fake ballots, when they have gerrymandering and the electoral college and the senate and voter suppression and russian propaganda campaigns. Though I guess they like to diversify, so maybe would try fake ballots too! who knows.