Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Extents of Finance

Finance creates cost.

To the extent that finance is non-productive it creates cost-push pressure.

To the extent that finance is productive at the micro level by the extraction of rent, it creates cost-push pressure.

To the extent that finance is 100% productive, the growth of finance beyond its economies of scale creates cost-push pressure.

And to the extent that financial income comes from the nonfinancial sector, it creates cost-push pressure. 

Cost-push pressure slows economic growth.

1 comment:

The Arthurian said...

"... to the extent that financial income comes from the nonfinancial sector, it creates cost-push pressure."

Come to think of it, it creates cost-push pressure in the nonfinancial sector, and demand-pull asset inflation in the financial sector.

So it goes (sigh).