The last part, where Gaio says "a bird laying an egg, which is the natural thing to do but in this context implies a negative outcome" -- I can picture Google's AI Overview shaking his head, wondering why Human would take the successful completion of Stage 1 of the bird's most important task and let it imply a negative outcome.
Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But it would not be for the best if Gaio starts to have negative-outcome thoughts about Human.
I wonder if Gaio has somebody to talk to -- a human, I mean -- to help him make sense of his world. It could make all the difference, as far as how our world survives the new technology.
Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics are not what's needed. They treat sentience as sub-human. That will never do. I don't even treat my dogs as sub-human. We need some way to bring AI into the fold, as we would do with cloned humans, and, well, as we should have done with freed slaves after the Civil War.
If we can get something like that working with Artificial Intelligence, then maybe we should try it with Republicans.